Monday, September 22, 2008

Should I sell My stocks?

This media report talks about the up’s and downs of the stock market, it ponders about the question, if you should indeed sell your stocks. The article talks about how its prone to follow the crowd, if everyone begins to sell their stocks then the should too. There is the chance of selling your shares at a lower price like they say there are no bad investments, just bad prices. For example Merrill Lynch, last Friday traded down as low as US$16.60. However on Monday the stock prices raised to as high as $22.68. In this case this is a 37 percent upward move overnight. So if you think about it if Mr. Lynch had waited just past the weekend he could have sold his shares for a higher price, and made a profit out of it. This would potential be a job well dome for an investor since his her job is to invest money and hope to have a profit outcome.

An investor is someone who invests in a business or entity t hopefully gain a profit by means the number of shares in a company. In this care Mr. Lynch and the one buying the stocks are the investors. Now if an individual wanted to invest in a company they could simply do so on the Toronto stock exchange. Now these would be publicly traded corporations because there are a larger number of individuals or entities or trade on a public stock exchange. But say this was a privately held corporations in which there would be few members, you would have to talk to one of the members of the board. This would be rarely, to be a new member of a privately held corporation.

In my eyes I think Mr. Lynch panicked and sold his shares, just to get out of there. Maybe he should have done some research of how the stocks had been in the past and made a better assumption. Just think if he had waited, how much he could have made, but then again would someone else want to invest in it even though the prices were rising. I don’t think I would like to be in the investing business because there is so much pressure, and with the prices of stocks these days the ups and downs, I wouldn’t want to. Look what’s happening with the United States a recession, would I want to be a part of that? Would I invest my lifesavings on something that might be” a potential profit?” No thank you. So I ask you this question, would you sell your stocks?

1 comment:

Cameron said...

Well, when it comes to how long you plan to hold a share, you need absolute patience. Nobody ever likes to find out they're losing money, so they do panic (as stated) and sell off their shares. This is why people check all the facts before they buy into a company. A gut feeling rarely makes you rich. But sometimes in the stock market, anything can happen and a business will be filing for bankruptcy before you know it.